Hello Readers,
how is everyone doing in the new year ??? what is your plans and your resulotions for it ??? because we're sure that Marind did have marvels fashionable days so far in this new year and ofcourse in every highs there is must be some lows ....
Flash backs 2009 :
We started blogging in Sep 2009 and to be more specific it was the 4th of september-Friday when we started giveing away some fashion tips and shared the best styling secerts of an elegant sphastcted women and we sure enjoyed doing it all the make-up, clothing and photoshoots just to give you a clear vision of this wonderfull unique style as much as we can !!
so we thought to share little bit more then her styling and fashion !!
In this new year we thought we would share her fashion tips and also reveal her Beauty secerets and much more ....
so stay tuned for more beautiful, fashionable and very new stuff .
PS: Marind will love to for you to share your resulotions and plans for year twinty10 with her . Afte all its anew decade we're sure you did some planing !!!
Hm, I don't actually have any specific resolutions this new year, actually! I think I more so just make resolutions as I go along through the year! :)