Monday, 1 August 2011
Amy Winehouse
Friday, 29 July 2011
Tomboy Style
We have seen a tomboy girls a lot this year. Its not like we haven't seen them for the last 30 years, but now they are hotter, stronger and saying Im here look at me! Im a girl and I dress like a boy or we shall say found a place between a boy and a girl style. A tomboy girl is strong, confident and has thoughts of her own. She is not afraid of much and she is welling to break the rules if she doesn't like them and set a new ones!
We have seen a lot of such an example in the media these days, and we going to continue see more of this kind of style. Because its formal, comfortable and simple. Amber Rose thee modern day personification of this styling.

Also, one of the Olsens is:
And here more of Tomboy Style interview with Eleanor Friedberger of the band The Fiery Furnaces. Tomboy rocker style at its finest. - Eleanor Friedberger from think/feel on Vimeo.
P.S. We are going to show you how you be a Tomboy girl soon. In easy, stylish steps !
Monday, 25 July 2011
Style Inspiration: Thierry Mugler
Marinde would love to asnwer a question she been asked by a young fashion designer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. goes by the name Nasser.
Dear Nasser,
First on the behalf of Matinde team and co-founders Maria Jane and Hind Fahionier, We would like to thank you in taking the time to check our blog "Marinde Style" and we are so glad that you liked our styling tips and topics.
Well you asked us to help find an inspiration to start making your first women collection for the Fashion week. First you have to be true to your self , know who you are and what you like to do ? Second, you have to know your audience. If your audience are sophisticated, urban sexy women.
Then we recommend Thierry Mugler style for your collection. Because his clothes are easily identifiable by their style and their structure. Suits, dresses and jacket pieces which emphasize a woman’s elegance while harmonizing and resculpting their bodies. He reinvented the notion of seduction and was subsequently labeled a “provocative designer” by the media.
Here are some pictures we hope they help you get your inspiration to create a magnificent collection for the Fashion Week.

Sunday, 24 July 2011
Boho Chic

Was Gretchen Jones the winner of Project Runway season 8 lucky she won or she was smart enough to choose the Boho style as her collection at New York Fashion Week at the end of the seasons? Knowing that the Boho is on this year!! Well if she knew that or not! she is one hell of talented designer for sure. I mean look at her collection at New York Fashion Week to know what I’m talking about.
Well Boho-Chic is style which influenced by the bohemian and hippie styles. Which first noticed by the early nineties. The most famous mistresses of this style are Kate Moss, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and Nicole Richie. I mean they owned the look.

Boho Kate Moss

The Olsen sisters got it right with long hair and the long wide dresses made then look great.
Last but definitely not least the queen of the bohemian style the one and only Nicole Richie!
We all now what is "The House of Harlow" and what is "Winter Kate". This hot mama took the bohemian style to the next level. No one does it like Richie !!
Colored Jeans

Is it time to leave the colored jeans and get back to to blue jeans? I was shopping with mother the other day, I wanted to buy a pair of skinny jeans which means "blue jeans" but mom suggested to buy the red one instead. She said it was the fashion back in her days. As usual fashion do repeat it self. Colored Jeans are the hit nowadays. We see the stars and celebrities wearing them every where and for all occasions. Although typical blue jeans are important and never will get out of style but its time for colors.

Celebrity or not! colored jeans are great. They can be styled easily, Chic and comfy. Available for anyone and everyone. Just go to the nearest mall and buy one in the color of your preference, throw a T-shirt on along with opposite colored heals and your good to go!!